Welcome to my newsletter on the global economy and living a meaningful life. I research and teach the first topic as a professor at Wharton. I work hard, and most fail, on the second topic as a human being.

My goal is to share with you what I’m learning from the latest data and research (my own and others’) to provide a fact-based view on global issues affecting people, businesses, and the economy. Along the way, I’ll share bits of wisdom that have helped me find purpose and joy in life. My former students refer to these bits as “Zekrets.”

I hope my ideas will spur dialogue between us (you, me, and other subscribers) so I can learn from your reactions and comments,

If you’re convinced by now, subscribe here. If not, scroll down to learn some more.

What can you expect if you subscribe?

See for yourself by reading some of my previous posts.

Each edition will contain something different: a bit of life wisdom, an original entry with facts and cutting-edge research on global economic & business issues, or perhaps some suggestions on materials produced by others that I’ve found useful (books, articles, podcasts, movies, and other media). Your feedback will help me know what’s useful and what isn’t. And I always welcome suggestions on topics you’d like me to write about.

How frequently will I email you?

About twice a month. The frequency will depend a bit on what’s going on in the world, whether I’ve found something useful to share about it, and how busy I am with my day job.

Why should you care about what I have to say?

Fair question! I’ve been researching global business topics for nearly 20 years: global strategy, immigration, innovation, social networks, M&A, alliances, etc. I care about anything that contributes to economic growth through the movement, ideas, and collaboration among people. If you’d like to know more about my expertise, go to my website.

Why the newsletter instead of just following me on LinkedIn or Twitter?

I post on those platforms and appreciate those who follow me on them. But social media is poorly suited to depth. Important topics require careful discussion of facts and evidence. This newsletter provides me the space to really explain my thinking and engage with your comments.

What if you don’t want to sign up, or if you don’t like the newsletter?

I totally get email overload. You’re always welcome to visit my Substack site at your own leisure. And if you sign up, you’ll always be able to opt out.

If you like what you’re reading, please tell your friends!

Subscribe to Zekrets

Evidence-based opinion on global economic issues, with a dollop of life wisdom.


Wharton professor. Global & Corporate Strategy. Immigration. Innovation. Movement + ideas + collaboration = economic growth.